Microbiology atlasParasitology atlasPathology atlasPoultry atlasInterdisciplinary Atlas
Online Photo Atlas
in Veterinary Disease Biology
These photo atlases are intended as an aid to students taking courses at the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Each of the four photo atlas supplements the material used in the courses in disease biology. In addition you can find an interdisciplinary atlas linking different topics across the four atlases.

Here you can find photos of cultures of bacteria and fungus along with phenotyping test, plating media and typing methods. Both veterinay and food microbiology are covered.

Here you will find photos of species of parasites. The photos are grouped into different types of parasites like endoparasites of ruminant and monogastric animals.
Here you will find photos of preparations used at the courses in pathology. At http://vetspot.life.ku.dk you can find these plus many more preparations in Danish. Both sites are password protected with the same login.
In this atlas you can find images of poultry diseases. Furthermore you are given examples of normal anatomy for comparison. This site is password protected with the same login as the Pathlogy Atlas.
Here you take a view across the atlases based on menus of either infectious agent, animal or anatomy. The topics are accompanied with short quizzes.